Hotel La Tour

Facts and statistics

Milton Keynes is an incredibly productive business location

The Economy is worth over £14bn (GVA, 2020), larger than Cardiff!

Milton Keynes has a GVA per filled job of £76,587 (2020)​

  • One of the highest in the Country and 32% higher than the national average

Milton Keynes is home to 12,675 businesses (2022)​

  • Per capita, Milton Keynes has one of the highest business stocks in the country​

Which have created 178,000 employee jobs (2021)​

  • Wholesale & Retail trade are the Boroughs largest employment sector, employing 29,000 people​

  • ​Central Milton Keynes is the heart of our city.  It is the hub of our growing economy, with around 40,000 people working in offices, shops, restaurants and our cultural and leisure sector [22% of the city’s total jobs]

Milton Keynes sits at an important economic and strategic crossroads. It is located centrally between Cambridge & Oxford, and between London & Birmingham.​

​The city has fantastic travel connections, with access to central London by Train within 35 minutes.​

For more information please check out the links below or contact our team at